plant medicine therapy

Do you want an all-natural alternative to cortisone (steroid) injections and oral medications?

We use cutting edge treatments not offered at any other office. Functional Medicine blends the best of traditional medicine with scientifically relevant alternative holistic and plant-based medicines to help you reach optimal health. Dr. Kinna Patel received a degree in Plant-Based Medicine from Cornell University after seeing a need for alternative offerings for her patient population. Modern medicine focuses on treating symptoms rather than the root cause. Functional and preventative medicine and the role of anti-aging science, as it relates to the longevity of movement, is where Dr. Patel's passion is focused.

With offerings including her vitamin therapy, fascial work, homeopathic and plant-based injections, laser therapy, microneedling, shockwave therapy, and more, Dr. Kinna Patel spends time learning the inner workings of your specific body to formulate the best treatment option for your foot, ankle, or knee condition. Dr. Patel is the first Podiatrist in the state of Georgia to offer these treatment options for her patients. Call us today at (678) 239-4204 to schedule an appointment!
